Vrijheid, wat zei Zappa daar ook alweer over?

Bij Vrolijke Vrijdag #9 deelde ik al een hilarisch filmpje waarin mijn geestelijk en muzikaal vader Frank Zappa de vrijheid van meningsuiting bevecht. Omdat we vandaag op 5 mei de bevrijding van ons land vieren, denk ik dat ik vandaag kan volstaan met de volgende quote van deze vrijheidsapostel:

The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way, and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theatre. Frank Zappa 1977.

Wat rest is natuurlijk nog de uitleg over bovenstaande foto. Komt ‘ie, copy/paste van Wikipedia (freedom of plakken):

The triple LP Joe’s Garage featured lead singer Ike Willis as the voice of the character “Joe” in a rock opera about the danger of political systems, the suppression of freedom of speech and music—inspired in part by the Islamic revolution that had made music illegal within its jurisdiction at the time—and about the “strange relationship Americans have with sex and sexual frankness”. The album contains rock songs like “Catholic Girls” (a riposte to the controversies of “Jewish Princess”), “Lucille Has Messed My Mind Up”, and the title track, as well as extended live-recorded guitar improvisations combined with a studio backup band dominated by drummer Vinnie Colaiuta (with whom Zappa had a particularly good musical rapport) adopting the xenochrony process. The album contains one of Zappa’s most famous guitar “signature pieces”, “Watermelon in Easter Hay”.

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